Southlake Association for Gifted and Talented

 Join/renew your SAGT membership for 2024-2025 school year!

Upcoming Events

Brown Bag Series

Navigating the 2025-2026 Academic Planning Guide

February 4th, 11:00-1:00, Carroll Admin Building 

This parent-to-parent forum will discuss the Intermediate, Middle and High School Academic Planning Guide from a GT perspective. Gina Peddy, CISD Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction, will address new courses and course changes. She and a parent panel will provide tips and insights on helping your students plan for the next school year. Recommended for parents of rising 5th-12th grade students

Free for members, $20 non-members. Register here 

Overnight at the Zoo

Fort Worth Zoo

Saturday March 29 - Sunday March 20

On Saturday evening, attendees will explore the Fort Worth Zoo on a guided tour followed by a tasty snack and fun activities. Families will sleep overnight inside the education center, so be sure to bring sleeping bags.

On Sunday, attendees will enjoy a continental breakfast, live animal presentation, morning tour before the zoo opens to the public and all-day admission.

This event sells out fast! Deadline is March 14th. Sign up here 

Mark your calendar: 

Recent Event Highlights 

CISD Faculty Attends the TAGT Conference

SAGT was thrilled to sponsor the registration of seven CISD GT teachers for the TAGT 2024 giftED Conference, held December 4-6 in San Antonio. Teachers were able to attend sessions such as “Distracted! Why GT Students Can’t Concentrate (And What We Can Do About It)” and “Enhancing Differentiation with Technology for Gifted Students.”

Some faculty feedback:

Holiday Gifts for GT Teachers

Thanks to the generosity of our SAGT members, we were able to deliver $25 gift cards and a holiday ornament to all of our wonderful GT teachers!  

Leveraging AI for Education

On Tuesday, November 12th, Parent Programs hosted a Brown Bag Event: Leveraging AI for Education at the CISD Administration Building.  The event featured Dr. Suzanne Newell, Ed.D., Chief Education Strategist for GTS Technology Solutions.  Dr. Newell, a longtime educator in Texas, works alongside K12 institutions with her deep commitment to understanding Generative AI in order to be a knowledgeable and supportive guide for educators as the use of AI grows at a rapid pace.  

Dr. Newell started the presentation promising the attendees plenty of "ah ha!" and "oh no!" moments and she delivered on the promise.  A key takeaway from the event was focusing on learning what skills kids need in order to be resilient in this new world while also being cautious of becoming the product of AI tools.  Students, and parents alike, should focus on expanding the questions asked of AI tools, breaking down the answers and reworking the questions to set themselves apart from the crowd.  Dr. Newell's complete presentation is available here: Leveraging AI for Education Presentation

College Admissions Panel

On Wednesday, October 16th, Parent Programs hosted the 2024 College Admissions Panel event at the CISD Administration Building.  The interactive panel with local experts was designed to assist parents in the college application and administrations process and to discuss how to help students stand out.

Panelists included:

Stephanie Williams shared an important message that the "college admissions process is a match to be made, not a prize to be won," reminding parents and children to keep an open mind throughout the process.  Nick Kennedy added that admissions offices are more interested in applicants that can share the "why" instead of the "what" when describing activities, which was a comment agreed upon by the entire panel.  A final note was to allow kiddos to be passionate in fewer activities, in order to be "well lop-sided" vs. "well balanced." The event was well-attended by nearly 50 SAGT members.

Brain Focus and Taking Care of the Whole Child

Dr. Christina Sherrod, MD, Pediatrician at Cook Children's and Dr. Zui Pan, PhD, Professor of Graduate Nursing and Kinesiology at UT-Arlington, shared some of the impacts of our environment and how they can affect a child's ability to focus.  They provided suggested nutrition, supplements, sleep schedules and addressed signs of concern in our children.  The event was well attended by approximately 55 SAGT members.  If you were unable to attend the event, the presentations are available here and here 

Study Skills Classes 

Kids from grades 5-12 learned valuable study and organization skills from teachers, leaders, and student panels to get them ready for the new school year. This was a super popular event! 

Welcome Back to our Quest and GT Teachers! 

SAGT held a back-to-school lunch to celebrate our teachers as we start the 2024-2025 school year. 

Just as we do every year, SAGT will offer events of interest for the parents of students as well as opportunities for students and parents to learn together. 

2023-24 has been a fantastic year!  Thanks to the work of our SAGT Board along with the membership fees and donations of all our members we were able to:

Thank YOU for your membership! We look forward to another successful year!


Andrea Schroeder

Karuna Kantor

Alisha  Thachet

Abhishek and Neelam Dube

Nick and Annie Kemphaus

Sara Changizi

Anna Simpson

Elizabeth Doros

Jennifer & Dusty Paschall

Alison Hamilton

Hyeyeon Jeong

Jennifer & Brendan McMurrer

Lakshmi Beeravolu

Lauren & Jeff Gilstrap

Tia Ellerman

Xi Chen

Yao Zhang

Hilary  Prokop

Lauren Fanninf

Jim Abraham

Shalini Selvan

Ashley Veccia

Miral Amin

Ben and Amy Green

Meghan Kinslow

Nathan Emerson

Courtney Larson

Naga Vadlamudi

Mary, Daniel Tevis

Zoe Sexhus

Chaitanyeshwari  Meesala

Kavya Yalamanchili

Gloria and Adekunle Adekola

Michelle Reeve Garland

Mary Hardenbergh

Tham  Trinh

John Engler

Aimee Martin

Bianca  Cords

Michelle Adams

Kris & Susan (Trieu) Norenberg

Brian and Erin Ingram

Renee and Zach Hotz

Sheresa and Brian Lee

Elisha Rurka

Andrea Simon

Joshua Rothman

Amrita ChatterjeeRaj

Brittany and Sushrut Shidham


Roopa Yarlagadda

Darren and Nikki Rich

Daisy Bartlett

Bin Cai

Yannan Sun

Zach and Shelly Heinrich

Rupal Dave

Sirisha Sankara

Melissa Karson

Imee Mantilla

Preyank Sheth

Jill & Cary Kennedy

Sahrish Soleja

Swetha Botcha

Shaqin Yang

Michael Klinkenberg

Michael Klinkenberg

Hayley Mirza

Erica  Willis

Elizabeth Morgan

Katherine & Mark Crocker

Lauren McAfee

Lori Davidson

Randi Hanlon

Kristen Nelson

Kelly Near

Cheryl Majors

Virginia and Roth Hinkle

Janine Timmermann

William Lipsmeyer,

Nikita Kennedy

Anuj Harkauli

Sarah Stojak

Matt & Gina Johnson

Anh Nguyen

Pamela Daniel

Jodi Seris